Saturday, July 6, 2013

Here we go again...

I'm pretty sure I have started and neglected no less than 10 blogs in as many years. I always start off strong and eager. The creative juices are flowing and I am into it. And then something usually. My kids start screaming or I need to do laundry or I'm just too damn tired and lazy to pick up the laptop and try to think of something to say. I start to resent the blog, like I owe it something.

But I really do have the desire to blog and stick with it for a lot of reasons but mostly because I would love to look back on posts years from now and have a typed out account of my life at that moment. How cool is that?

So, I'm trying this again in the hopes that I will best my laziness and actually stick with this thing!

A little about me; I'm 31 years old, married to a wonderful, tolerant man for 6 years, mother to P (5) and L (6 months). I'm the manager of a clinic at a local hospital. It's can be a challenging job for many reasons but I really do love working in healthcare. I'm very outspoken, perhaps a little too much. I'm opinionated and a bit of a control freak, which I am usually in denial about. I love to bake, but can't cook much more than pasta. I have very random taste in music (from Blitzkid to Justin Timberlake *I hope my husband doesn't read that last part*). I love to travel but never really have the opportunity to, though I do have big travel plans for "one day". I love Edgar Allen Poe, Coen brothers' and Tarentino movies, crafts and karaoke.

I hope anyone that stumbles upon my blog enjoys what they read!

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